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Cerebral hypoxia after etomidate administration and temporary cerebral artery occlusion. Comparison of the effect of etomidate and desflurane on brain tissue gases and pH during prolonged middle cerebral artery occlusion. The role of nitric oxide synthase inhibition in the adverse effects of etomidate in the setting of focal cerebral ischemia in rats. A simple pocket calculator approach to predict anesthetic drug concentrations from pharmacokinetic data. Target-controlled drug delivery: progress toward an intravenous “vaporizer” and automated anesthetic administration. Predictive accuracy of continuous alfentanil infusion in volunteers: variability of different pharmacokinetic sets. Pharmacokinetic model-driven infusion of sufentanil and midazolam during cardiac surgery: assessment of the prospective predictive accuracy and the quality of anesthesia. Predictive accuracy of midazolam in adult patients scheduled for coronary surgery. Performance of computer-assisted continuous infusion at low concentrations of intravenous sedatives. Performance of computer-controlled infusion of propofol: an evaluation of five pharmacokinetic parameter sets. Delivery performance of commercial target-controlled infusion devices with Diprifusor module. Target-controlled versus manually-controlled infusion of propofol for direct laryngoscopy and bronchoscopy. Propofol anaesthesia via target controlled infusion or manually controlled infusion: effects on the bispectral index as a measure of anaesthetic depth. Cost analysis of target-controlled infusion- based anesthesia compared with standard anesthesia regimens.

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The main neurovascular bundle of the neck (common carotid artery, the vagus nerve and the internal jugular Vienna) - projection above; 2. Sinocoratid reflexogenic zone (bifurcation of the common carotid artery) - is projected on the upper edge of the thyroid cartilage 1 cm outwards; 3. Application of the sympathetic trunk: the top node is projected onto the transverse process of C3; Average unit is projected onto the transverse process of C6; cervicothoracic (stellate) node is projected at the level of the neck of the first rib; 4. The subclavian artery and brachial plexus trunks projected in the middle of the clavicle. In the neck there are two groups of lymph nodes: front neck, nodi lymphatici cervicales anteriores, and lateral neck, nodi lymphatici servicales laterales. Deep nodes form a chain along the internal jugular vein, the lateral artery of the neck (supraclavicular nodes) and the back of the pharynx - retropharyngeal nodes. Because of the deep cervical lymph nodes deserve special attention nodus lymphaticus jugulo- digastricus and nodus lymphaticus jugulo-omohyoideus. The first is located on the internal jugular vein at the level of a large horn of the hyoid bone. They take language lymphatic vessels, either directly or through the submental and submandibular lymph nodes. The retropharyngeal nodes, nodi lymphatici retropharyngeal, lymph flows from the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and paranasal its pneumatic cavities of the hard and soft palate, base of the tongue, nose and oropharynx, as well as middle ear. Lymph vessels: - skin and muscles of the neck directed to nodi lumrhatisi servisales superficiales; - larynx (lymphatic plexus mucosa above the vocal cords) - through the membrana thyrohyoidea to nodi lymphatici sevisales anteriores rrofundi; lymph vessels of the mucous membrane below the glottis are two ways: in front - through the membrana thurohuoidea to nodi lumrhatisi servisales anteriores rrofundi (predortannym) and posterior - to nodules located along n. Triangles of the Neck The inner (medial) triangle of the neck (trigonum cervicis mediale) (Fig. The medial triangle isolated suprahyoid region (regio suprahyoidea) and subhyoid region (regio infrahyoidea). Figure 39 Areas of triangles and neck 1 – trigonum submaxillare; 2 – trigonum caroticum; 3 – regio m. Within the area there are three suprahyoid triangle: submandibular triangle, lingual triangle, and submental triangle. Subhyoid region (regio infrahyoid) occupies the lower part of the medial triangle of the neck. Borders subhyoid region: top - hyoid and posterior belly of digastric (venter posterior m.

Real Experiences: Customer Reviews on Voveran sr

Tizgar, 53 years: Medical management of hypopituitarism in patients Adrenocortical insufciency after pituitary surgery: an audit of the with pituitary adenomas.

Peer, 51 years: After the primary infection subsides, the latent virus persists within the sensory nerve ganglion.

Hengley, 48 years: In patients with difficult to control blood pressure, decreasing the sympathetic outflow seems to be beneficial in better regulating the blood pressure.

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